May 15, 2024

Air Purifiers: What They Do and Why You Should Consider Having One Installed in Your Home

Although you need to clean your home, an air purifier can continuously fight against germs, viruses, allergens & odors.

Have you ever heard of a Reme Halo? What about an “Active Tech” or “dust free ultraviolet light?” If not, let us explain why this might be the best thing you do for your home along the Wasatch Front this year.These terms all refer to some type of UV light or “air scrubber” that can be installed in the ducting of your home’s heating and air conditioning system. They are designed to purify the air in your home, and who wouldn’t want that?These devices are installed in the duct work near your furnace and indoor coil. Then, as air is drawn into your ducting it passes through the duct scrubber, which is essentially a UV light. (You can get all the geeky details in your owner’s manual or by poking around on the Internet.) The UV light then makes the particulates in the air bigger. But why make them bigger?The answer is easier to understand than you might think. Bigger particles tend to fall toward the ground where you are less likely to breathe them in. And, bigger particles are also more likely to get caught by the filter used in your home. In fact, you may find it necessary to replace your air filter more frequently (at least for the first few months) after you’ve installed one of these systems in your home.So, how do they make the particles in your home bigger? Without getting too technical, the short answer is that these air purifiers emit negatively charged ions. Those negatively charged ions are attracted to positively charged particles in the air, like dust, odors, and other allergens. As the negatively charged ions pair up with positively charged one, the particles in the air of your home become too heavy to stay airborne and fall to the floor. Some systems even tout that they can kill viruses and bacteria.This technology has been used in gyms, schools, hospitals, bars, churches, and many other places where clean air is desired. In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine a place where you wouldn’t want one.Maintenance is very easy—there generally isn’t any. However, you will need to replace the UV light bulb every 12 to 24 months depending on the model you have installed. Replacement bulbs cost between $100–$400 and can usually be changed with a screwdriver. Less expensive replacements can be purchased from online retailers, but often they do not come with the same warranties provided by more well-known manufacturers.Although you will still need to clean your home (sadly), an air purifier can offer continuous assistance in the fight against germs, viruses, allergens, and odors by purifying the air and surfaces in your home. Give one of the specialists at Blue Best Plumbing, Heating, Air, Generators a call to learn more about installing an air purifier in your home today.

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